A few weeks ago, Steven Braman had a series of posts on his blog that discussed what he was doing exactly one year ago. I thought that was a good idea and since it was approaching one year since my last tour of Israel, I decided that I would do the same.
One year ago, myself and 28 other intrepid souls took off to visit the land of Israel. I love studying and teaching about Biblical Geography. But, there is no better teacher than the land itself. It helps to give you additional context for your personal Bible study. If it was practical, I would encourage every student of the Bible to make at least one trip over there. You will be amazed at what you will learn.
Traveling to Israel from the United States is nearly a two day process. The tour starts and ends in New York City. So, a majority of the first day is getting from your house (wherever it is) to John F. Kennedy International Airport.
Once we were there, we were able to meet with all of the other travelers and discuss all of the exciting things that we were about to experience. It was a great way to start the tour before boarding our Boeing 747 and travel across the Atlantic.
Tomorrow: We land in Israel and arrive on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.
Have you been enjoying these posts on last year's tour? Are you interested in traveling with me this year? Then, I would love to have you join me. Our 12-day tour is scheduled for October 12-23. We will stay one night on the Mediterranean Sea, three nights on the shores of the Sea of Galilee and five nights in beautiful Jerusalem. During the day, we will visit dozens of sites that will enhance your understanding of the land and of the Biblical stories that take place in them. Reservations are coming in, but we still have some availability! This is a first-class tour with many extras thrown in that many Israel tours overlook. If you are interested, I encourage you to read the itinerary and contact me personally for more details.