
If you are follow blogs like this, then you may have already seen some news articles about the possible location of the Biblical city of Dalmanutha. If you haven't, here are a couple for you to consider from USA Today and FoxNews. The city is only mentioned once in the Bible.

And immediately he got into the boat with his disciples and went to the district of Dalmanutha. - Mark 8:10

However, the companion passage says:

And after sending away the crowds, he got into the boat and went to the region of Magadan. - Matthew 15:39

The location of Dalmanutha has been debated for a long time. For an in-depth discussion, I encourage you to read Ferrell Jenkins' post on the topic from earlier this year.

The announcement today states that they have found a location very near the city of Migdal (hometown of Mary Magdalene), which is on the southern edge of the plain of Gennesaret on the northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee. This location, in light of the two passages that I mentioned above, gives some credibility to today's announcement. It will be very interesting to see what else they find at this location. Stay tuned.

The picture of the top of the post is of the Plain of Gennesaret from the Mount of Beatitudes. The city of Magdala (ancient Migdal) would sit just off the picture to the left at the foot of Mount Arbel. (NOTE: If you are reading this post from an email, you will need to click on the title to go to the website to see the picture.)

HT: Alan Cornett, Rusty Greene