
Are you interested in taking a guided tour of the Bible Lands? I can offer two suggestions. April 15-26, 2013 - Israel - Led by Ferrell Jenkins Traveling to Israel is often "the trip of a lifetime" for Bible students. I have been lucky enough to take this tour twice (the first in the Spring of 2010 and the second in the Fall of 2012). Mr. Jenkins has lead over 35 tours of Israel and has spent a lifetime studying the land. You'll visit the Sea of Galilee, the Dead Sea, Jerusalem, the Jezreel Valley, the Wilderness of Judea, the Shephelah as well as many other sites. A trip to Israel is one that you will never forget. You can see Mr. Jenkins' website for more details.

May 13-24, 2013 - Turkey - Led by Leon Mauldin I have to admit, I have never taken this tour, but I know many people that have been to Turkey and I know many people that have been on Mr. Mauldin's tours. In both cases, they speak very highly of the Turkey and tours led by Mr. Mauldin. Obviously, a trip to Turkey is on my Bucket List. On this tour, you'll visit Istanbul, Ankara, Cappadocia, Ephesus, Izmir, Pergamum and many other places. You can contact Leon Mauldin for more details.

Is it possible to understand the Bible without traveling to the Bible lands? Yes, definitely. But traveling to the Bible lands helps you understand the Bible stories even better.